2013 Best ebook Converter Software

Written by Obama Mishy

Why eBook reader

Are you still reading book page by page with your hands? How about making the switch from holding a physical book to holding an eBook reader and reading an electronic book?

Ebooks are quickly becoming very popular in the Internet niche marketing industry. Ebooks are essentially books which are available in software formats and distributed either through email or Internet downloads. There is usually a fee associated with downloading an ebook. These fees are usually considerably lower than the fees associated with purchasing a hardcopy of a similar book. This is because ebooks are typically less expensive to publish.

eBook reader

Many of us have had the same reservations; however, with the low price of eBooks and the affordable price of eBook readers, along with their convenient storage, portability and versatility, more and more users are making the switch to eBook readers every day.

So why should you buy an eBook reader? Convenience. Instead of going to a bookstore to make a purchase or ordering a book online and waiting for it to arrive, you can purchase and download an eBook anytime, from any location with a Wi-Fi connection. Several classic books are free to download because their copyrights have expired, and when you don’t have to pay for printing, you don’t have to pay.

Want more than one book? That’s fine. The memory of eBook readers is large enough to hold several hundred books. eBook readers are the only way to carry countless books with you wherever you go, and keep the weight under a pound.

You want more convenience? eBook readers make it easy to save your place, take notes, clip and save favorite quotations, and highlight passages you want to find again. eBook readers are designed for readability and to make your reading experience as enjoyable as possible. Top-ranked iPad Mini, Kindle Fire HD, or Nook HD is good choice for us to read these eBooks with ease.

eBook Converter Software

Different eBook readers have their own formats, so if you want to read your favorite eBooks on all of these devices, you need to take professional eBook converter software to get different formats.

The ePub format is a universal one that lets you read eBooks and other information on a number of different devices. The MOBI format however is made for fewer devices and thus, cannot be read by many typical eReaders. This means that without the converter, you are missing out on a great deal of eBooks and other information that will go unread.

Also, many PDF files, a common file used for eBooks, reports and other documents may not be suitable for your eReading device. If so, then the iReador eBook Converter can translate PDF files to those legible for your eReading while retaining the original quality.

Here are some versions of eBook converter software on both Windows and Mac computer systems available for your reference.Epubor Converter

1. eBook converter standard version.

Feature: Convert MOBI, ePUB, PDF books with easy, read ebooks on any devices!

Free download

Price: $$29.99

2. eBook converter ultimate version

Feature: Convert the Kindle, Sony, Kobo, Nook, Mobipocket books with easy,  read your ebooks on any devices!

Free download

Price: $$49.99

3. eBook converter ultimate for Mac

Feature: Convert MOBI, ePUB, PDF books with easy, read ebooks on any devices!

Price: $$55.99

How to make eBook Cover

As a digital product owner, it’s very likely that you have spent money to have a graphics designer create a professional looking cover graphic for your product. If you have, then you know that most graphic designers charge from $97 to over $150 just to create ONE simple cover

It is a proven fact that professional graphics help to increase the conversion on your website. They increase the perceived value of your product and turn more of your website visitors into customers.

With all of these benefits, you’d think that there would be a easier, and cheaper way to get the same results…

Now there is an easier and more affordable way! It’s a new software program called, “Instant Cover Creator” that will take all of the hassle of graphic design, and quickly create a cover for you!

Creating Your New Cover Graphic Is As Easy As This:

  •  Pick a template
  •  Pick A Front Picture
  • Pick A Side Graphic

With Instant Cover Creator – you can instantly make dozens of covers in a fraction of the time that it would take for you to send an email to your old graphics designer.

WITH a Instant Cover Creator – can instantly make dozens covers in fraction of the time that it would take for you send an email to your old graphics designer.

Instant Cover Creator Will Save You Tons of Time, Money and Effort!

Select a cover design – just choose which of our 20 cover designs is your favorite Enter your headline and sub-headlines – type in your headline or the name of your product that you would like to appear on your cover.

ebook cover maker

Price: $10.00

Android, BeOS, Linux, Mac, Microsoft Smartphone, Mobile, OS X – Macintosh, Other Desktop, Palm OS, PocketPC, Windows 7, Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000, Windows NT/2000/2003/SBS2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, WindowsCE

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